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Smartbnb — сервис, который сделает ваши путешествия комфортными, а хозяевам недвижимости предоставит стабильный заработок.

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Вы домовладелец? Зарабатывайте до $1,000 /мес на краткосрочной аренде

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Впечатления гостей

Gina Roscoe
from Florida
Excellent experience. We appreciated the kindness of the owner. We will do it again very soon for sure!
Gina Roscoe
from Florida
Excellent experience. We appreciated the kindness of the owner. We will do it again!
Jay Simon
from New York
Absolutely loved this place, wonderful villa, wonderful beach and pool area. The place is really impressive.
Gina Roscoe
from Florida
Excellent experience. We appreciated the kindness of the owner. We will do it again!
Anna Simons
from Portugal
The place is really impressive. I am in love with it, it is wonderful villa, wonderful beach and pool area.
Gina Roscoe
from Florida
Excellent experience. We appreciated the kindness of the owner. We will do it again!

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